3 min readJan 5, 2022


The Sheer Anti-Asianism On this Forum Astounds me

I discovered it while doing some research of my own and the anti-Asian sentiment on this forum honestly shocked me. Search ‘Asian’ on here and you’ll find a million articles blaming Asians for every bad thing that happens, how we should exist, how we should feel. and why we are the worst race to ever race.

Honestly, I’ve had it up to here with everyone blaming Asians for every bad thing that other minorities face. It’s not our goddamn job to clean up after everyone. We don’t owe anyone anything. We are constantly ignored by society instead of being helped.

No one has the right to tell us how to feel about things that affect us. I hope everyone hears this.

Why we aren’t showing up for BLM? Because we’ve been constantly alienated and abused by every community and its allies. We never got the support we deserve either.

A good amount of perpetrators of racism against Asians is African-Americans but of course no one wants to talk about that. That never makes front headlines because who cares about us? It’s all about races that are ‘trending’, and it’s never been Asians.

It strikes as absolute desperation and jealousy to me that everyone tries to bring us down just because we are, for the most part, too nice to say anything about it.

It doesn’t matter what happens, a black person gets killed, Native American children get buried or maoris are discriminated against because it’s always the fault of Asians.

You say all Asian people are racists against black people. Maybe some are. Do we ever say all black people are looters? Nope, but you have no problem generalising us because it’s ‘cool’ to hate on Asians.

General rundown of the comments? “Some old Asian lady didn’t thank me when I held the door open for her so all Asians are bitches”. *Gets 70 claps*

Entirety of Reddit subs are anti-Asian, filled with bigoted high and mighty children whose credit card bills are still paid by their mothers, higher education institutions (*cough* HARVARD *cough*) and workplaces are definitely anti-Asian. Hell, even some Asian countries hate their own people. But I never expected to see this on a free forum.

I’ve always seen ‘pin the blame on this race’ game on here. It might just be me but the basis of what I believe is love and loving others, and not hating. No one race is good or bad, we all have our flaws.

Because oh my gosh, some of us might be racists who attack others, but so are some of whites and so are some of blacks and so are some of Latinos and every other race that exists. So we are all racist, right?

I want some of these ‘writers’ to take a good hard look at themselves before they walk in here pretending like they know us and our struggles, while they’re just self-serving narcissists who think everyone should just do what *they* want.

I believe the world would be better a place if we’d all just stop finding reasons to distance ourselves from others and get along anyway.

